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Chinese Chess 象棋 is very challenging to learn, as it has many rules, and each chess piece moves differently. Each player takes turns, until the game is over when the winner kills the adversary General. Red Player moves a Red piece first, then Blue Player.
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During each turn, click on a chess piece of the color to highlight it. To move to a destination, click on a valid position. If it's invalid, nothing changes.
After a piece is selected and highlighted,
Click on itself again to unselect it.
Click on another chess piece of the same color to switch & select the other piece.
Click on a chess piece of different color to kill it if it's a valid move.
Moves for all Chess Pieces
General — moves 1 step in 1 direction (right, left, up, or down) within the middle region with diagonal lines (its palace). It moves and kills the adversary General when they are facing each other (on the same line without any other piece between). If any player loses his General, he loses the game.
Advisor — moves 1 step diagonally (1 step vertically + 1 step horizontally) within the palace (middle region). It may never make a move out of the palace.
Elephant — moves 2 steps diagonally (2 steps vertically & horizontally each), unless any chess piece is blocking the path. It may never make across the river (middle region) to the opponent's territory.
Chariot — moves any number of steps in 1 direction without any piece blocking the path. It may move and kill the adversary chess piece.
Horse — moves 2 steps in 1 direction (vertically or horizontally) and 1 step in another direction. Its moves like an 'L' shape. Its move can't be performed, if any piece is at the position of the first location during its first 2 steps.
Canon — moves any number of steps in 1 direction without any piece blocking the path. It may not move and kill the adversary chess piece, unless there is only one piece between them.
Soldier — moves 1 step forward before crossing the river. Afterward, it can move sideway but never backward.