Right-clicking brings up candidate list you can click to enter a number, instead of typing it.
Clicking the 'SOLVE' button any time may solve the puzzle with the current filled-in numbers including the ones you have put in.
You may clear the puzzle and start anew by clicking the 'CLEAR' button.
'RESET' button erases your entries so that you can restart filling them.
You may submit your own puzzle by clicking the 'SUBMIT' button, and the current filled-in entries will be used on this website after verification and testing.
The size of the puzzle can be changed for more challenging level. Note that the higher the number the slower it may run.
For hints or assistance, click and check to 'Show Candidates', and candidates will be eliminated based on the current filled-in entries. Click and uncheck to hide them.
Click on any number on the candidate list to eliminate a candidate number and right-click to write a number.
Some buttons such as 'CLEAR' or 'NEW' reset the candidates and removes what you may have done.
The time can be used to keep track of your progress. You may stop, start, or reset it.
To use access key, press SHIFT + ALT and the underlined key on Windows. CTR + OPT on Mac.
If you have any suggestions or questions, please feel free to contact me.