Tello vs Tracfone

For only $5/month, I signed up for mobile phone service at Tello (Use this affiliate link to win 10 Tello dollar).

There are many benefits of using Tello:

  • Good customer service: fast response over online chat.
  • Mobile hotspot or teetering is included.
  • You can select different minutes of talk or different amount of data, with minimum of $5/month.
  • You get unlimited text.
  • You get rollover if you manually renew per month.

The reasons I switched after using Tracfone for a few years:

  • Very Inconsistent - Every rep said different things when I asked a question.
  • They just cut off my service out of the sudden, and did not even tell me why.
  • They upgraded to 5G, making my old phone useless.
  • They worked with me for hours, and still didn't fix the problem.
  • They did not help me port out my phone number.
  • No hotspot!